Monday, March 19, 2012

Avalanche Bark

makes about 9'' x 10'' of bark

1 bag milk chocolate chips
1/2 cup Peanut Butter*
2/3 cup Rice Krispies
1/4 cup dried fruit**
1/4 cup dark and/or white chocolate chips
1/4 cup chopped nuts*
1/4 cup mini marshmallows

* If you use chunky peanut butter, you can omit the chopped nuts

** I've used raisins, craisins, and dried cherries

The great thing about this recipe is, you can omit any ingredient except the chocolate, and it will still be delicious!

Melt milk chocolate and peanut butter in microwavable bowl.

When melted, add rice krispies, dried fruit, chopped nuts and stir together.

When the chocolate is still melted, but a bit cooler, add dark/white chocolate chips and marshmallows and stir.

When everything is mixed together, pour onto a lined cookie sheet. (It's important to line it with something like wax paper or else you'll never get it off the pan)

Spread it around slightly until it's fairly even.

Refrigerate until firm

Cut into squares
